
: NotebookLM is impressive. It’s even more impressive when done right. Like this example by …

: Micro.blog and POSSE These past days I’ve been going down the rabbit hole of setting up a writing workflow that …

: Living as Acting as Living A few times, I’ve been told I would be a good actor. Other times I’ve been asked if I was an actor. …

: If you want to POSSE like Molly, then the easiest route is via micro.blog.

: IA writer integration didn’t work. I’ll quit while I’m ahead.

: POSSE is bliss I finally managed to get micro blog working with a custom domain. Everyone on the internet has been …

: I just want @manton to help me configure my micro.blog so it’s the best it can be.

: Trying out micro.blog and its integration to cross-post to Mastodon and Bluesky… 🤞

: On judging I judge too much. That's not a good look. (See? There, I did it again: why is that a 'look'?). It's …

: She did text in the end. But the only thing that’s worse than them not texting is texting something …

: She's just not that into you The omen that is the algorithm that dictates the presence and absence of everything we see, surfaced …

: On living and other activities I'm designing a bit of a reading workflow. I find the morning more conducive to want to ingest a …

: Unknown Known I've been struggling with setting up this blog. I still think this looks ugly. The font isn't as big …

: On Systems The best system is any system that works. The best system is any system you use. The best system is …

: First post syndrome I guess it’s only appropriate that my first post on micro.blog is about micro.blog. I think …

: Brute Google Searches I’m a fan of what I can only call “brute google searches”. I say Google, but it could be any search …

: A lurking romantic I swiped right on a woman who was stunning but in a please-meet-my-parents way. Her bio mentioned …

: Random thoughts I remember I used to think in English when I lived as a kid in the US. I wish I had some of that …